Massage Therapist

Massage Therapist

Massage Therapist Much research has shown that about 90 percent of all diseases and illnesses in our body is linked with stress. Massage is a huge stress reliever, and Massage therapists are experts in this department. Massage therapy affects the body as a whole unit, not just working in one part of the body. The entire … Read more



Autohypnosis Self-hypnosis Autohypnosis also called Self-hypnosis. Autohypnosiscan be performed without any aid of the hypnotist. Autohypnosis technique is done to increase mind power. In our daily life, worries and anxieties weaken our mental strength; as a result, make us more susceptible to suffer from the various mental states like despair and depression, which later manifests as … Read more

How much garlic is good for health

How much garlic is good for health

How much garlic is good for health  Many people cannot tolerate the pungent smell of garlic, and some individuals think that garlic heats up your body which can negatively affect their health. So the question arises is garlic good or bad for health and how much garlic is good for health. To end this confusion, … Read more



Ghee Be it Polao or Paneer, almost every Indian cuisine requires Ghee. Other than cooking it is also used in many Hindu rituals like oblation. But before consuming liquid gold daily, first, we have to know how much quantity of it is good for our health. Many people have subsided this superfood in the fear … Read more


color therapy

COLOR THERAPY Have you ever wondered why, during a bad day or dealing with someone or something which brought you down, makes you feel bad, the things what we choose what to wear and also the colors that we choose to wear is the reflection of how we are currently feeling at the moment, ever … Read more