Weirdest Phobias

Weirdest Phobias

Weirdest Phobias Almost everybody has some form of fear. Most of the fears are unreasonable; maximum people cope with those weirdest fears while others fail to come out from that delusion. Some people are afraid of certain situations. Some of them are afraid of crowded or closed places, heights or strangers, or even water or … Read more

Extrasensory Perception

Extrasensory Perception

Extrasensory Perception By ESP, the scientists mean Extrasensory Perception.’ In other words, it means ‘awareness outside the senses.’ To know something that you cannot logically possibly know outside your own physical experience. Usually, we use our five senses -eye, ear, tongue, nose, and skin to perceive the world around us. We see, hear, taste, smell, and … Read more



Dysphemia Stuttering If we analyze the biological process of speech, we find that it requires the amazing coordination of the larynx, cheeks, tongue, and lips to produce sound. We usually are not quite aware of this complex coordination, but we can sense the lack of such coordination when a person stammers.  Stuttering or Stammering is … Read more

Causes of Blindness

Causes of Blindness

Causes of Blindness You will be surprised to know that 14 million people in the world are blind. There are many kinds of blindness, and the Causes of Blindness are different. Some people are totally blind, while others are partially blind. Some people are blind by birth, while some others lose their sight gradually over … Read more

Sulfa Drugs

Sulfa Drugs

Sulfa Drugs Sulfa Drugs are synthetic antimicrobial chemicals that are mainly used to treat diseases that are caused by bacteria. The first Sulfa Drugs was developed by a German bacteriologist, Gerhard Domogk, in 1930. Through many experiments, he showed that a sulfa drug called Prontosil has the potential to kill streptococcus bacteria. The bacteria are killed by … Read more