Control of Noise Pollution

Control of Noise Pollution

Noise Pollution

Noise Pollution is a part of environmental pollution and is a threat to a man’s environment. Noise Pollution is generally human-made, and the intensity of Noise Pollution is increasing day by day due to the rapid advancement of technology and an increase in industrialization. That is why there is a requirement for the Control of Noise Pollution.

‘Noise’ can be defined as unwanted sound, which interferes with human communication, comfort, health, etc.


Noise Pollution


Noise Pollution Sources


The major sources of Noise Pollution are workshops, automobiles on the roads, trains, jet airplanes in the air, loudspeakers, radios, televisions in houses, musical bands at public places, various industries, various types of electric appliances used in kitchens and homes. 

Noise Pollution from sites of construction work, stone crushing, mining irritates the most. This is where Control of Noise Pollution is most required.


sources of noise pollution


Effects of Noise Pollution


The loudness and duration of noise cause a varying degree of discomfort. It produces several harmful effects on our physical and mental health.

Some of them are:


  • Noise first causes anxiety and stress but then may lead to fright in extreme cases.


  • Noise causes blood pressure by increasing the level of cholesterol in the blood. Continous noise is responsible for headaches by dilating blood vessels of the brain.


  • A sudden and loud noise may affect the psychomotor performance of a person and causes an emotional disturbance.


  • A sudden loud noise such as an explosion may damage the ear-drum. Exposure to high noise levels of 140 to 150 dB can rupture the tympanum and cause permanent deafness.


  • It interferes with communication.


  • It affects the peace of mind and interrupts concentration of thought.


  • Side effects of long term noise pollution lead to nervous irritability.


  • Disturbs sleep


  • It lowers the efficiency of work.



Effects of Noise Pollution



Control of Noise Pollution


Various methods can be adopted to minimize Noise Pollution.

Control of Noise Pollution are:



  • There should be proper town planning so that there are no industries near human habitations. Industrial zones should be far away from human settlements.


  • Proper lubrication and maintenance of machines increase the machine and tools life, reducing friction; thus, noise also gets reduced.


  • Persons working in noisy installations should be provided with protective devices such as earmuffs or cotton plugs.


  • In metropolitan areas, the development of green belt vegetation and open space, in general, may have a significant impact on the reduction of noise and even as in air purification. It has been seen that plants are efficient absorbers of noise, especially the noise of high frequency. Border planting along highways and streets can be useful, not only absorbing the noise but also deflecting it upward in the air.


  • The enclosure of machinery with sound-absorbing materials is an example of the industrial noise reduction pattern already practiced by industries in advanced countries. Protection to workers can be provided through wearing devices such as earplugs or earmuffs.


  • Specific legislation and regulations should be proposed for designing and operation of machines, vibration control, soundproof cabins, sound-absorbing materials, methods for measuring noise, permissible levels of noise, and medical examination.


  • Within a radius of 10 miles of the airport, no buildings or factories should be allowed.


  • The use of loudspeakers and amplifiers should be restricted to a fixed intensity and fixed hours of the day.


  • Blowing of pressure horns should be totally prohibited.


Control of Noise Pollution


Control of Noise Pollution is mostly required in industrial zones, where noise pollution is at a peak, and specific laws must be implemented to minimize its effect.

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