Anger Management

Anger is just a normal emotion. While you can’t cure anger completely but you can manage the intensity, this is where Anger Management comes into play. Many Anger Management techniques are listed below in this article that will help you and guide you to remain calm so that you won’t get angry ever again.

What is Anger?

Anger is a fundamental part of human emotion. Anger is natural, we all feel angry sometimes. Anger is a strong feeling of chafe and usually of antagonism. It is an unpleasant, unwanted, irrational emotion, which gradually builds up, ranging in intensity from irritation or annoyance to rage.
But what makes people angry is different for different people. Many events make us angry such as :

Common Anger Triggers


  • Hurt
  • Harassment, Bullying
  • Stress
  • Frustration
  • Criticism
  • Injustice

Types of Anger

Anger is a complex emotion. That can happen in many different circumstances for many different reasons. Many people express their anger by shouting, yelling, throwing any object in front of them, because of these complexities, experts often differentiate anger by methods of expression passive, aggressive, assertive


People with this expression style often avoid dealing with situations that make them angry and instead try to keep their feelings inside. They tend to channel their anger into behaviors like making judgemental comments, spreading rumors, or holding grudges.
For example, Husband and Wife watching TV, the husband, John, wants to watch his favorite TV show, Susan, the wife would like to watch a movie. John was waiting for this TV show to air for many days, he agrees to watch the movie. The anger he feels isn’t expressed to Susan, but instead, he holds it inside because he doesn’t want to argue. Later John snaps at Susan when she asked him a question about his job and then sulks when Susan asks him what’s wrong. John is expressing his anger in a passive way.


Aggressive anger is expressed outwardly, people with this expression yells or commit acts of physical violence. Aggressive angry people often inflict pain on others and wants to destroy property.
Following on from our earlier example, let’s say John doesn’t agree that Susan can watch her movie, Susan then yells at John, insults at him and throwing a vase at the wall. Susan intends to release the anger by inflicting harm elsewhere.


Types of Anger



People with this expression assertive anger is communicated calmly. People who express their anger assertively want to work through the emotion and come to a resolution. Their wording is direct and straightforward. Anger is not expressed but controlled.

Can anger harm your health?

Many studies have shown that excessive anger can affect your liver and gallbladder which can be harmful to your health. Suppressing anger makes chronic pain worse while expressing anger reduces pain.
In the short term, anger can cause headaches, migraines, chest pain and also weaken the immune system. It can also put you at risk for hypertension, High blood pressure, cardiovascular issues, depression, digestion problems, insomnia.

Anger Management

Control Your Breathing

When we become angry, breathing becomes shallower and speeds up. Instead of responding to those things that made you angry, try to take deep breaths out of your nose and exhale exhaling out of your mouth for several moments.

Think Before You Speak 

It is found that an individual cannot control his/her emotion when angry, says something at the heat of the moment, and later regrets. Take a few moments to calm down by taking deep breaths before saying anything.

Count Down 

Count down up to 10. If you are really angry start at 100. Your heart rate will slow and your anger will probably subside.

Relax Your Muscles 

Slowly relax your muscles, unclench your fists make a conscious effort to loosen your shoulders, take slow deliberate breaths.

Get Some Exercise 

Studies have shown that physical activity activates our bodies. As a result, boosts your moods hence reducing your stress level that can make you angry. Go for a walk to spend time doing joyful physical activities.

Repeat a Mantra

Find a word or phrase to calm down and refocus. Words like ” Relax ” “Take it easy” “Calm down” “Peace ” are the common words that are used. Repeating them constantly might provide some relief.

Don’t Hold a Grudge 

Rather than concentrating on what made you mad, try to work on the problem and solve the issue. Remind yourself that anger won’t fix any problem and might only make it worse. Forgiveness is a powerful tool when you forgive someone who angered you, your mind calms down by releasing all the grudge. Not just you, both learn from the situation and strengthen your relationship by understanding each other.

Take a Time Out

Give yourself short breaks, sit away from others, play some tunes put in earbuds, play your favorite music.

Write down your Emotions 

Holding your emotions can do more harm than releasing your anger to someone. So it’s better to release your anger in a paper by writing down the events that made you angry. Writing your anger can help you calm down and release all isolated anger.


Meditation trains the brain to remain focus and calms the mind. Studies have shown meditation can increase your dopamine level, hence improving your mood.

how to control anger




Anger is a normal emotion that everyone experience from time to time. And the main key is to healthily manage your anger. By following these Anger Management techniques not only you can manage but can cure your Anger.

Tags: about anger, types of anger, effects of anger, Anger management.


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