Osteoporosis Treatments

Osteoporosis Treatments

 Osteoporosis Treatments  With age comes new challenges where osteoporosis plays a major role in terms of health. More than 54 million people have osteoporosis or low bone density. While the risks to those over the age of 50 are greater, people of any age can develop this condition. No need to worry, many Osteoporosis Treatments are available … Read more



DANDRUFF Everyone once in a lifetime has faced embarrassment at finding white flakes on their shoulders. Dandruff is a common scalp condition that affects up to 60% of the worldwide population. Teenagers are especially more concerned about dandruff because they are more prone to get dandruff due to the hormonal changes in their bodies. It … Read more


laser therapy

LASER THERAPY Laser Therapy is also called Electro-Therapy. Before going into a brief about  Laser therapy first we need to know about LASER. LASER (Light Amplification of Stimulated Emission of Radiation) It is a device that produces a beam of coherent monochromatic light( or other electromagnetic radiation) by exciting atoms to a higher energy level … Read more


color therapy

COLOR THERAPY Have you ever wondered why, during a bad day or dealing with someone or something which brought you down, makes you feel bad, the things what we choose what to wear and also the colors that we choose to wear is the reflection of how we are currently feeling at the moment, ever … Read more