Milk Alternatives

Milk Alternatives

Milk Alternatives People who suffer from allergies after eating allergic foods like  Prawns, lobster, eggplant, shellfish, mung beans can easily avoid this allergenic condition by avoiding such food. Though they are deprived of such ecstatic food still it will not affect their daily nutrition requirement they can easily replace it with some other food. But … Read more

Iron Deficiency

Iron Deficiency

Iron Deficiency  In our busy lives, we sometimes do not give importance to our health even neglect symptoms like fatigue. Such negligence occurs by thinking that it was caused due to extreme work pressure. But such symptoms of fatigue can be an outcome of some other serious condition. Such symptoms generally arise due to an … Read more



Tonsillitis Tonsillitis is an infection in the tonsils and is very common; almost everyone once in their lifetime has been suffered from a sore throat that is linked with Tonsillitis. Children’s and teenagers are more vulnerable to Tonsillitis than the adult. What is Tonsillitis When you open your mouth, you can see one of the most … Read more