

Infarct   Infarction Infarction is the process of forming an Infarct. In comparison, the Infarct is an area of ischemic necrosis (Death of tissue due to a reduction in blood supply) caused by Occlusion of either arterial supply or venous drainage. As we know, the blood gives oxygen and nutrients to the body tissue, so … Read more



Anemia What is Anemia? Anemia is a particular physical condition in which the amount of haemoglobin or number of red blood cells in a person falls below the normal level. Haemoglobin is the molecule in the red blood cells that carry oxygen; it also contains iron. It is carried in the red blood cells of the human … Read more

Pathophysiology of Asthma

Pathophysiology of Asthma

Pathophysiology of Asthma   Asthma is a chronic disease of the lungs characterized by sporadic attacks of shortness of breath, wheezing, and coughing. It is one of the most common diseases affecting respiration. An asthmatic may have sudden, sharp attacks that might leave a person gasping for breath. It affects all races and both sexes … Read more



Dysphemia Stuttering If we analyze the biological process of speech, we find that it requires the amazing coordination of the larynx, cheeks, tongue, and lips to produce sound. We usually are not quite aware of this complex coordination, but we can sense the lack of such coordination when a person stammers.  Stuttering or Stammering is … Read more

Enlarged Prostate

 Enlarged Prostate

Enlarged Prostate Benign Prostate Hypertrophy Benign Prostate Hypertrophy is a growth of the Prostate gland that might make it difficult for men to urinate. It is not cancer, but a doctor should check the male patients that have difficulty urinating. Enlarged Prostate might happen to men after the age of 40. nearly 80 percent of … Read more