Enlarged Prostate

 Enlarged Prostate

Enlarged Prostate Benign Prostate Hypertrophy Benign Prostate Hypertrophy is a growth of the Prostate gland that might make it difficult for men to urinate. It is not cancer, but a doctor should check the male patients that have difficulty urinating. Enlarged Prostate might happen to men after the age of 40. nearly 80 percent of … Read more



Amnesia Some people lose their memory after some accident or on hearing some tragic news. Such people forget their past and even fail to recognize their close friends and relatives. So much so they even forget their names. In psychology, this disease is called ‘Amnesia.’ Causes of amnesia Many factors cause Amnesia. Head injury, mental shock, … Read more

Neck Pain Relief Exercises

Neck Pain Relief Exercises

Neck Pain is a common disorder and can happen to anyone. Nowadays, almost everyone is working all day continuously on the computer or mobile in a fixed tilted neck position. As a result, Neck Pain, spasm, and sometimes it can also lead to spondylitis. That’s why there is a requirement for neck exercise for individuals who spend … Read more

Artificial Kidney

Artificial Kidney

An Artificial Kidney is a device to filter the blood of patients whose kidneys are entirely damaged. In cases of renal failure, the various mineral salts and toxic substances go on accumulating in the blood and the body fluid, thereby disturbing homeostasis. It leads to oedema due to the retention of surplus water in the body. … Read more