Difference between Veins and Arteries

Difference between Veins and Arteries

  In structure, veins and arteries are similar, having similar layer composition, but in function, they play different roles; there is a Difference between Veins and Arteries. Veins What are Veins Veins are blood vessels that return deoxygenated blood from your organs and tissues back to your heart. The contracting skeletal muscles compress the Veins; … Read more

Neck Pain Relief Exercises

Neck Pain Relief Exercises

Neck Pain is a common disorder and can happen to anyone. Nowadays, almost everyone is working all day continuously on the computer or mobile in a fixed tilted neck position. As a result, Neck Pain, spasm, and sometimes it can also lead to spondylitis. That’s why there is a requirement for neck exercise for individuals who spend … Read more


Dry Hands

DRY HANDS Dry Hands are most common in winter when the humidity level outside drops; hence the water in your skin evaporates quickly, which leads to Dry Hands. In winter, no matter how much you put an effort to keep your body warm by wearing warm clothes, your hands cannot escape from winter’s cruel grasp. One of … Read more

Suicide Risk

suicide risk

Suicide Risk Suicide is the act of on purpose inflicting his or her death. Suicide Risk is getting more and more common in this modern era. Suicide is the second leading cause of death globally among 15- to 30year-olds.800,000 people die globally by suicide every year, the equivalent of one every 40 seconds. Suicide is an imprudent act due to chronic … Read more

How much garlic is good for health

How much garlic is good for health

How much garlic is good for health  Many people cannot tolerate the pungent smell of garlic, and some individuals think that garlic heats up your body which can negatively affect their health. So the question arises is garlic good or bad for health and how much garlic is good for health. To end this confusion, … Read more