

Physiotherapy Physical Therapy Physiotherapy is the branch of medicine which makes use of some physical agents or exercises to treat a disease or any injury. It is also termed as Physical Therapy.   Physiotherapy is a branch of rehabilitation medicine. Doctors who specialize in this branch of medicine are called Physiotherapist or Physical Therapist. Why is Physiotherapy Used? Physiotherapy helps treat … Read more

Medical Fitness Certificate

Medical Fitness Certificate

Medical Fitness Certificate Nowadays, Medical Fitness Certificate is an important medical certificate issued by any government or private organization, be it for admission, joining, or even for child adaption.   Medical Fitness Certificate is required because it shows your total medical record, mentioning that you are not physically disabled or don’t have any internal disability.    It generally … Read more



Autohypnosis Self-hypnosis Autohypnosis also called Self-hypnosis. Autohypnosiscan be performed without any aid of the hypnotist. Autohypnosis technique is done to increase mind power. In our daily life, worries and anxieties weaken our mental strength; as a result, make us more susceptible to suffer from the various mental states like despair and depression, which later manifests as … Read more

Causes of Soil Pollution

Causes of Soil Pollution

Causes of Soil Pollution Soil Pollution is defined as the decrease in soil fertility because of some foreign elements’ addition. Soil is an essential component of the earth’s crust. Soil gets polluted like air and water, but it remains restricted to the fields affected, unlike the air and water pollution. Causes of Soil Pollution of … Read more



Hypnotise Hypnotism is an art, with the help of which the mental state of a human being is so changed that he starts working according to the direction of the hypnotist. The art of Hypnotism is not new; man has been using hypnotic power since ancient times. Previously, this was used to demonstrate some mysterious … Read more