
Physical Therapy

Physiotherapy is the branch of medicine which makes use of some physical agents or exercises to treat a disease or any injury. It is also termed as Physical Therapy.
Physiotherapy is a branch of rehabilitation medicine. Doctors who specialize in this branch of medicine are called Physiotherapist or Physical Therapist.

Why is Physiotherapy Used?

Physiotherapy helps treat many kinds of disabilities and diseases. It is often used in treating various kinds of paralysis and muscle weaknesses, such as caused by poliomyelitis and multiple sclerosis. It is also used in treating heart and lungs disease. Physiotherapy can also be used as a treatment aid for amputation, fractures and other injuries. With the help of this treatment, the disabled person may lead a productive and creative life. 

Physiotherapy Tools

Numerous medical devices and treatments are utilized in Physical Therapy.

Radiant heat lamps

For warming up the body, special Radiant heat lamps are used to remove the pains in the backbone. To apply heat to the diseased or damaged parts of the body devices like Electric heating pads, diathermy, hydrotherapy (water treatment) and special baths are also used.
Physical Therapy
Warming up the body relieves the pain and improves the blood circulation in the body Sooner after certain injuries cooling methods are also used to reduce pain and swelling. 

Ultraviolet lamps

Ultraviolet lamps are used to kill certain germs and to help in healing because ultraviolet light has more energy and can destroy germs. Inflammatory conditions of muscles and joints are treated with the help of Ultrasonic waves with an Ultrasonic device.
Exercise is the most important part of Physical Therapy. However, the Physiotherapist makes use of various types of equipment such as pulleys, weights, parallel bars, stationary bicycles and dumbbells. Splints, braces, crutches and wheelchairs are also used to help the disabled person. A Physiotherapist helps people learn the use of these devices and develop confidence in trying to do daily tasks.


Physiotherapist work in clinics, hospitals and schools for the disabled. Nowadays, the use of Physiotherapy is on a constant increase.

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