Extrasensory Perception

Extrasensory Perception

By ESP, the scientists mean Extrasensory Perception.’ In other words, it means ‘awareness outside the senses.’ To know something that you cannot logically possibly know outside your own physical experience. Usually, we use our five senses -eye, ear, tongue, nose, and skin to perceive the world around us. We see, hear, taste, smell, and feel with the help of these sense organs. Extrasensory Perception means getting certain information about the world without using any of the five senses. Some examples of the ESP include reading someone’s mind, knowing the future, or the knowledge of something happening many miles away. Some people seem to have such extraordinary powers.

As yet, scientists have not been able to prove anything substantial regarding ESP. If it exists, they don’t know how it works. Most scientists believe that it is best to think of ESP as something that might be true but has not been proved beyond doubt.



There are four preliminary experiments performed in the field of Extrasensory Perception. These experiments involved Telepathy, Clairvoyance, Precognition, and Psychokinesis. 

The Extrasensory Perception researchers use a unique deck of cards. This deck comprises 25 cards with certain symbols such as a cross, a circle, a star, wavy lines, a square, etc.



 In the telepathy experiments, a person tries to ” read the mind” of the one experimenting by guessing the cards. Telepathy involves sending thoughts, feelings, or knowledge from one person to another without any apparent medium. It is often called transference.




Clairvoyance is the state of being mentally aware of something such as an event or a person, without any other person’s telepathic help. In the Clairvoyance test, a person identifies cards through various methods without seeing them. If the person guesses are higher than what the average person achieves, it suggests that the person to be special and to have Extrasensory Perception.





Precognition is the knowledge of the event, utilizing Telepathy or Clairvoyance before it takes place. In the Precognition tests, using cards or dice, an attempt is made to predict a sequence of events before they occur.





Psychokinesis is the psychological control of physical objects. For example, while tossing the coin, a person might concentrate on the ‘heads’ and cause it to appear; no matter how many times it is done, the success ratio is greater than any average person.




Scientists have been studying this phenomenon because they feel it has enormous potential. For example, a person with Extrasensory Perception abilities might predict future wars, locate valuable mineral deposits, or even accomplish other things of great importance.

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