Werewolf Syndrome

Werewolf Syndrome


Werewolf Syndrome, also known as Hypertrichosis. Hypertrichosis is a disorder featuring an abnormal amount of hair growth. The abnormal hair can be much denser and more prolonged than average hair. The cause of this terrible condition is still unknown to scientists. 

Werewolf Syndrome,after birth or at a young age, is generally inherited. Those babies develop an unexpected amount of hair than normal, makes them called Hairy Baby

Causes of Werewolf Syndrome

But if the development of hair at a later age, causes could be different. 

Causes may include 

  • Cell Mutation
  • Certain drugs or drug side-effect
  • Malnutrition
  • Infection, scars, irritation, or inflammation in the skin


Hairy Baby


Types of Hair 


Hairs are the main culprit for this condition. There are three main Types of Hair which are responsible for this condition;

  • Lanugo

     These hair grow long and silky. They are light coloured hair usually found in embryos in the womb. This type of hair is temporary, sheds by itself from the seventh month of pregnancy to the first several months after birth.

  • Vellus Hairs

     Vellus hairs replace Lunugo hairs. This type of hair is generally short and non-pigmented. Vellus hair is found in every part of the body, except for the scalp and the eyebrows of the baby.

  • Terminal Hairs

    This type of hair is thick and coarser. They are dark and pigmented. Terminal Hairs are located in the areas covering the scalp and eyebrows. Later with the onset of puberty, it starts growing in around the groin and underarm.

Types of Hair


Classification of Hypertrichosis

Hypertrichosis (Werewolf Syndrome) categorized as Generalized Hypertrichosis or Localized Hypertrichosis.

Generalized Hypertrichosis implies unnecessary hair growth everywhere all over the body.

Localized Hypertrichosis refers to patches of terminal hair developed at a single site or just a few areas. These two variants of Hypertrichosisare further sub-divided into congenital( present from birth) and acquired ( developed over time ). 

Types of Hypertrichosis

Generalized Congenital Hypertrichosis

These types are rare and caused due to inherited disorders. At birth, the long and silky lanugo hairs, naturally shed before or shortly after birth, remain on the infant’s entire body, sparing only the palms and soles. As compared to other parts, the growth is typically more on the face, ears, and shoulders. 

Generalized acquired Hypertrichosis 

In this type it is commonly caused by taking drugs like Phenytoin, Cyclosporine A, and Minoxidil, among others. After discontinuing the medicines, the symptoms related to Hypertrichosis disappears. The time taken depends on the growth site and is usually three months to a year.

Causes of Hypertrichosis

Hypertrichosis due to Drug intake: Drugs are responsible for causing most typical of the Acquired Hypertrichosis types. Limbs, back, torso, and some cases, even the face, get affected by these drugs. But the effects are generally temporary; hair growth comes back to normal after stop taking drugs.

Generalized Hypertrichosis due to Injury: Can develop due to underlying physical or mental disease. Even people exposed to chemicals such as Hexachlorobenzene can lead to Hypertrichosis on the face or can even extend to other parts.

Localized Hypertrichosis due to Injury: Physical injuries like recurrent trauma, irritation, and inflammation in the dermis area of the skin can lead to Localized Hypertrichosis where the local vellus hairs transform to terminal hair.

Hypertrichosis Treatment

The treatments are usually cosmetic because there is no such medicine available to cure Hypertrichosis. 

There are various treatments, which are done based on the location, depending on the nature and amount of growth. 

Treatment may include Permanent hair removal and Temporary hair removal. In the permanent hair removal method, electrolysis and laser treatment are done. Both the treatment are costly. Where in Temporary hair removal method, shaving, plucking, epilation, depilation is done.


Werewolf Syndrome can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender, or race.

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