Headache Behind Eyes

Headache Behind Eyes

Headache Behind Eyes is prevalent; almost every individual has experienced this condition in their life. Headache Behind Eyes can happen due to many reasons. Almost all headaches go away within a day or two. But a prolonged headache can be an alarming indication of a severe problem.

What is a Headache

Headache is a painful sensation in any part of the head or face; the pain level may vary ranging from sharp to dull and accompanied by other symptoms. Headache is not an indication of our brain hurting. Our brain does not have any pain receptors to experience pain. Pain originates from the nerve surrounding the problematic area, sending pain signals to the brain, causing headaches, according to the signs and symptoms headaches are classified, Migraine headache, Tension-type headache, and Cluster headache.

Types of Headaches

Headaches are divided into two main types:
  • Primary Headaches

     Primary headaches are the most common types of headaches that are encountered by the general population, mainly caused due to inflammation or overactivity of muscles, nerves and blood vessels in the head or neck. Any other conditions or disorders do not cause them. Migraines and Tension Headaches falls in the Primary headache category.


  • Secondary Headaches

     Secondary headaches are headaches that are caused by some other medical condition or an illness in the body. When this medical condition triggers the pain-sensitive nerves in our head, it causes secondary headaches.

Types of Headaches


Causes of Headaches Behind Eyes

Causes of Headaches Behind Eyes
The common causes of Headaches Behind Eyes fall under the Primary headache type.

Tension Headache

This is the most common type of headache, felt by almost every individual once in their lifetime. Tension headaches are often caused due to pressure that can be felt, around your forehead. Severe tension and spasm may also be experienced, around the eyes. They usually cause a dull, annoying pain, felt on both sides of your head, behind the eyes and even the front of your head. The intensity of pain aggravates from morning to evening. Even severe stress, poor posture, fatigue, and sometimes holding the head in an improper position for a long time can also lead to tension headaches. 

Sinus Headaches

 This type of headache is caused by sinusitis and is sometimes accompanied by fever facial swelling and tension in the forehead and the cheekbone. Deep pressure and pain were noticed around the eyebrows, forehead, nose and upper teeth. You may also experience fatigue, stuffy nose and the pain worsens when you lie down.


A migraine is often associated with a violation of the metabolic processes and a dilation of blood vessels in the brain, unlike other Headaches that last for a few hours, whereas a migraine can last for up to 72 hours or sometimes more. In this condition, pain and discomfort are usually felt behind the eyes, sometimes severe and throbbing pain on one side of the head is also felt.

Cluster Headaches 

Cluster headaches are not as common as other headaches, affecting less than 1% of the population. This type of headache is more common in males than in females. A cluster headache may cause severe pulsating pain behind or around your eye, usually on one side of your head. The pain usually doesn’t last for long, usually resolves within an hour. Symptoms associated with cluster headaches may include, red-eye, swollen eye, sensitivity to light.


 Staring for a long time on television or a computer screen or mobile puts a lot of strain on your eyes, where your eyes get tired and irritated, causing headaches. Specific symptoms, including blurred vision, watery eyes, burning eyes, can also be experienced.

Other Headaches

 Other Headaches may include
  • Hangover
  • Loud noise
  • lack of sleep
  • Stress


Headache Behind Eyes Treatment 

Primary headaches do not last for many days. Usually, the pain resolves within 3days, and most of these headaches are treated using common over-the-counter painkillers such as Aspirin and Ibuprofin.

Taking preventive measures can also treat and prevents the reoccurring of headaches;
  • Exercising daily
  • Limiting alcohol
  •  Quitting smoking
  • Avoiding loud noises
  • Avoiding the use of strong perfume
  • Avoiding bright lights, especially lights emitted from television or computer screen
  • Practice relaxation by doing yoga or meditation
Headache Behind Eyes Treatment

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