Fatty Tumor

Fatty Tumor is also called “Lipoma“. It is a part of a hereditary predisposition. Fatty Tumor rarely develops in muscles or any other internal organs.1 in every 1000 people have lipoma. It can affect all age groups, all races, they usually form in people who are between the age of 40 to 60.

Fatty Tumor

A Fatty Tumor is often referred to as a benign tumor, usually harmless and made up of fat cells. It is surrounded by connective tissue in a capsule or throughout the subcutaneous tissue. Fatty Tumor can develop in deeper tissue, like abdominal organs. A Fatty Tumor is slow-growing and often do not show any symptoms and do not require any treatment. Although it is made up of fat cells it is not linked with weight gain. The exact cause of lipoma is not yet understood. However, they do tend to run in families and can be present from birth.
Dercum’s disease and Madlung’s disease can cause Lipoma as a symptom.

Fatty Tumor symptoms

They are usually small just 1 or 3 centimetres in size but can exceed 20 centimetres. These fatty nodes are usually found in the torso, upper thighs, neck, upper arm, and armpits. They are round rubbery, soft and movable, and generally don’t cause any pain. Sometimes there is pain when a Lipoma compresses a nerve.

Causes of Lipoma 

It is made up of fat cells, which accumulate between the skin and the underlying layer of muscles. They grow slowly and are commonly found on the shoulders, back, or neck. However, they can also form in many different areas of the body.
Earlier it was thought, Lipoma was caused due to hereditary, but genetic studies have shown different results, such as Familial Multiple Lipomatosis, Gardner Syndrome and Adiposis Dolorosa can also lead to lipoma. As well as Cowden Syndrome and Madelung Disease can promote Lipoma growth. Another possible cause is physical trauma, whether it be major or minor.

Lipoma Treatments

They usually don’t need treatment since they stop growing and are do not show any symptoms or discomfort. Since they can be seen, many may want to remove them for cosmetic reasons. A person may even want to remove it if it is infected.
Lipoma removal is an outpatient surgery where the patient is not required to stay overnight, the patient may enter and leave the facility on the same day of the surgery.
A local anaesthetic is injected into the surrounding lump area. Next, an incision is made, the tumor is then pulled out getting it removed and stitched.
If It is in the deeper layer, general anaesthesia in an operating room is an option.

Lipoma Prevention 

To date, there are no proven methods of preventing the growth and appearance of Lipomas. Diet and exercise will not aid in preventing new or old Lipomas. This is since Lipoma is a part of a hereditary predisposition. Natural remedies might not cure your lipoma but can hinder the growth progression of the tumor.

Natural Remedies for Lipoma

Apple Cider Vinegar: Apple cider vinegar balances the pH levels in the body which can help to clear lipoma. It also aids in digestion and flushes out toxins within the body.

Turmeric: Turmeric is used for centuries to treat many illnesses. The active ingredient in Turmeric is curcumin which has anti-inflammatory as well as antioxidant properties that effectively help shrink the lump.

Natural Remedies for Lipoma



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