Vitamin D Benefits

Earlier Vitamin D Benefits were unknown to many Vitamin D was at first thought the only purpose is in calcium homeostasis, however, later it was found that Vitamin D Benefits are endless, it has multiple roles in human health and has the ability to cure many illnesses.

What is Vitamin D?

The Sunshine Vitamin known as Vitamin D is exactly not a Vitamin but a hormone, and science continues to discover how vital it is in maintaining health possibly preventing a host of life-threatening diseases. Unique among nutrients, Vitamin D is actually manufactured in our bodies and given the fluctuation in weather, geography, and lifestyle, fortunately, it’s possible to meet some of your Vitamin D needs through diet.

Role of Vitamin D in the Human Body

Our body needs Vitamin D for body growth and development. Vitamin D helps to build and maintain strong bones in your body by helping your body to absorb calcium and phosphorus. Calcium is one of bone’s most important building blocks.

Vitamin D is fat-soluble, which means that our body can only absorb it when eaten with fat-containing foods such as peanut butter, chicken or avocado. Insufficient Vitamin D can lead to bone disorders like osteoporosis or rickets. It also plays a significant role in our nerve, muscle and immune system.

Vitamin D Foods


Ways to get Vitamin D

We can get Vitamin D in three ways

  • Through our skin

    Our body makes Vitamin D by its self only after the skin is exposed to a sufficient amount of sunlight. White skin absorbs more sunlight than dark skin. However, too much sun exposer can lead to skin aging and skin cancer.

  • From Diet

    Vitamin D-rich foods include fish, egg yolks, liver, mushrooms, cod liver oil almost all nuts. some other foods such as milk, yogurt also have Vitamin D

  • Vitamin D Supplement

    Many Vitamin D supplements are available in the market. Check with your health care supplier to ascertain what proportion you must take.


 Difference between Vitamin D2 and D3

Difference between Vitamin D2 and D3

There are two main forms of Vitamin D- Vitamin D2 and Vitamin D3, Vitamin D3 also called Cholecalciferoland Vitamin D2 also called Ergocalciferol, the difference between them is with their Chemical structure and the way they are manufactured.


Vitamin D 3 is the natural form of the vitamin that our body produces with the aid of sunlight.


Vitamin D2 is less effective than Vitamin D3. For this reason, Vitamin D3 is generally used for supplements.

Vitamin D Deficiency 

Having Low Vitamin D deficiency leads to the weaker bone having a low bone density and may predispose to osteoporosis and other autoimmune diseases. Vitamin D deficiency has now also been linked to Breast Cancer, Colon Cancer, Heart Disease, Prostate cancer, weight gain, depression, and other maladies.

Vitamin D Benefits

Studies show people having higher levels of Vitamin D have lower chances of forming disease, and in some cases curing some specific diseases such as depression, Irritable bowel syndrome, obesity, Type 1 Diabetes.
In Previous observational studies, scientists have analyzed the potential impact Vitamin D may have :

  • Heart Diseases
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Type 1 and 2 Diabetes
  • Psoriasis
  • Thyroid Diseases
  • Irritable Bowel Disease

Research on Vitamin D so far has been mostly observational and conducted in small study populations. More studies are needed.

How much Vitamin D do we need?

Several factors like our age, sex, and geographical location can affect our recommended intake. Especially for  people who live in colder or cloudy climates Vitamin dosage is not a one- size- fits -all situation
Vitamin D is measured in IU. The IU(International Unit)is a Vitamin measurement unit.
According to the National Institute of Health (NOH), here are the aged based recommended daily allowance (RDA)amounts for Vitamin D


  • Infants 400IU or 10 micrograms per day
  • Children and Teenagers 600IU or 15microgram per day
  • Adults 600IU
  • Elderly (Over the age of 70) 800IU or 20microgram per day


Vitamin D deficiency symptoms

Symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency

  • Bone pain
  • Muscles Weakness
  • Frequent Infections

Insufficient Vitamin D levels can lead to a bad mood and depression

Vitamin D Toxicity

It is rare to get Vitamin D toxicity, but some cases are found due to taking excess Vitamin D supplements. Generally, too much Vitamin D rich food does not cause Vitamin D toxicity.

So it is recommended to take Vitamin D as required by the body to get the Vitamin D Benefits.
Tags: Vitamin D benefits, Vitamin D deficiency symptoms, Difference between vitamin D2 and Vitamin D3, Vitamin D sources, Vitamin D deficiency

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