Common Cold Prevention

Common Cold Prevention becomes a hot topic every year during winter. Almost every individual once in their lifetime gets affected by the common cold. Common Cold is the most common form of illness in humans, it is generally caused by viral infectious targeting the upper respiratory tract which primarily affects the nose and throat.
In a study, it is found the common reason for absenteeism in school and workplaces is the common cold. Viruses are responsible for getting the common cold, there are different types of viruses, over 200 different types of viruses that can cause common cold symptoms. The common cold symptoms don’t lead to any serious illnesses and are usually harmless and the symptoms usually resolve within a week.
Viruses that cause common colds usually spread from person to person through tiny droplets of virus-carrying mucus that enter the healthy body through nasal passages through the infected person. Common Cold can be spread by touching any contaminated surface by contact with the infected person, it can also be spread by touching the mouth, nose, or eye.

Symptoms of Common Cold 


  • Running Nose

  • Cough

  • Sneezing

  • Congestion

  • Low-grade fever /High fever

Common Cold Prevention

It is not possible to prevent completely spread of the cold virus, there are few steps where you can reduce the chances of getting infected./ Common Cold Prevention

Here are few steps that you can take for Common Cold Prevention:
  • Wash your hands frequently

Washing your hand frequently is the first step that can prevent you from getting sick. Wash your hand for at least 15 seconds, use plain soap, teach your children to wash their hands properly before touching any food items. It is a must to wash your hands whenever spending time in a public place.  You can also use a hand sanitizer while visiting public places to prevent the spread of viruses .make sure to hand wash after sneezing and coughing before touching any food items


Common Cold Prevention

  • Avoid touching your face 

The nose, eye, and mouth are the main targeted area through which the virus enters our body. the most preventive way is to avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth if you are around someone with cold

Common Cold Prevention

  • Use Disposal items 

To stop the spreading of cold viruses disposal utensils items such as cup plates, etc should be used implemented especially for children because children’s are more prone to get affected by the cold virus if someone in your family is infected by the common cold.
Common Cold Prevention
  • Keep Household surface clean

Keep the household surface more often to keep germ free especially switches, phones, remotes, doorknobs, etc, and other items after being touched by an infected person suffering from a common cold. Even a child’s toy must be washed if he or she is suffering from the common cold.
Common Cold Prevention
  • Use Paper Towels other than Cloth towels

Cloth towels harbor viruses after being touched by an infected person, so it’s better to use a paper towel to clean up or dry your hands after washing to prevent the spreading of the cold virus.

Common Cold Prevention


  • Taking Vitamins C Rich fruits 

Vitamin C-rich fruits like lemon, orange, papaya, etc have a higher concentration of vitamin C which helps to strengthen your immune system and help you to fight against common cold viruses.
Vitamin C fruits
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle 

There is no evidence to show eating healthy and doing regular exercise can prevent the common cold, but surely maintaining a healthy lifestyle will keep your healthy immune system running and shielding you against common infections.
healthy lifestyle
  • Don’t Smoke

As we all know smoking is the main contributor to the cause of lung cancer. Smoking reduced the vitamin C levels in our body as a result weakens our immune system and also damages various organs slowly. Cigarette smoke contains many harmful chemicals that irritate and damage the throat and lungs and worsens the cold symptoms and increases susceptibility to the common cold. Even second-hand smoke causes irritation.

Don't Smoke
  • Meditation

Meditation not only helps you to remain focus it calms your mind and soul. Excessive stress can lead to depression, many studies have shown that doing meditation can decrease your stress levels, as a result, stronger immune systems.




  • Get a flu vaccine

To prevent oneself from getting flu, every people over six months of age should get themself a yearly flu vaccine as recommended by  “The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention”.
flu vaccine


Make sure to follow these Common Cold Preventionsteps to keep yourself protected from flu viruses.

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